When the Argentine photographer based in Barcelona, ​​Federico Frangi, decided to take an analogue camera on his first trip to India and Nepal in 2009, he probably already had an inkling that revelations, in every sense of the word, would become part of his life from then on. Or perhaps they already were. On this initiation trip, contact with the culture of the Himalayan nomads had such a profound impact on him that he decided to photograph them. The images show men and women working in the same way as centuries ago, without using machinery, in a basic way in which there is no substitute for the energy of the body or the hands of the worker. Frangi shared with these people his daily sacrifices, his moments of silence and meditation, his ingenuity and his wisdom. On his return he exhibited at the Casa del Tíbet Foundation in Barcelona and the echo was inspiring. « Silence encompasses these photographs, » explains Frangi. « There is a much-needed, vital and healing silence that I find in these open places in contrast to the place I come from: so closed, full of noise and information… I like being an intermediary, taking things from one place and depositing them in another, generating empathy and triggering the imagination…

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